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A Million Little Things Season 2 Episode 1 Review: Coming Home

Our favorite framily drama is back!

It was a long wait, but the return of A Million Little Things was worth it. It was easy to forget how great this show is, but A Million Little Things Season 2 Episode 1 reintroduced us to many of the qualities that make this series so special.

Let the emotions flow!

One of the best parts of the hour was how it blended angst, drama, and humor. The humor is what keeps the show from being weighed down too much, and despite everything happening in this hour, it was funny.

We can always thank James Roday and Romany Malco for that, along with Tristan Byon's unusual but effective quirk. It's the "God, this is my life" type of humor that anyone who defaults to humor as a coping mechanism can appreciate.

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We needed it since the drama is bound to be epic. The series wasted no time picking up right where it left off, and if anyone caught the sneak preview first two minutes of the hour, Eddie and Katherine's talk wasn't anything new, but it was no less devastating.

Despite everything that has happened, you can't help but root for them. Katherine deserves better. She's a personal fave, and that sentiment will always be the truth as a result, but she and Eddie have great chemistry.

It's hard wavering between "Dump him" and "let them be happy together, please, they're cute!"

Katherine: What's going on? What is it?
Eddie: I want to come home. There's nothing I want more. But I promised you no more lies, so there's something I need to tell you. It's not Jon's baby. And I didn't day anything to you because she and I agree that it needs to he Jon's, and I couldn't lie to you. I couldn't ask you to take me back and lie to you.

But Eddie has grown; he came from a place of growth when he chose to lay all of his cards out on the table with Katherine. It was the right thing to do, even though it jeopardized what he wants: her, Theo, and their family.

His words and his actions showed how he was ready to put her first. When he told her how much he wanted to return home, and later on, how much he wanted her to come back home -- how much he plans to be someone worthy of her -- it was believable.

It wasn't Eddie being fickle or flip-flopping between his supposed love for Delilah and claiming he loved Katherine too; it felt real and honest.

Eddie is still Eddie, but this is a version of him that's more appealing than some of what we had before. When he owns his actions, his words and actions line up. He's not as cavalier or bumbling and idiotic about this.

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He's also showing real frustration and a multitude of other emotions as he's facing the repercussions of his choices. He recognizes how crappy of a position he's in -- they're all in -- and he's making do with it, but it's not easy.

I plan on spending the rest of my life trying to prove to myself that I'm worthy of being your husband, and I can only hope that along the way, maybe I can get you to believe that again too. Katie, please come home.


It's messy. Eddie's antsy moodiness at the hospital and his mini-meltdown at the warehouse were raw moments for him. The reality of what's happening is hitting him, and he's allowed to be pissed.

He has a daughter now who he can't claim as his because of this misguided attempt at doing what's best for Delilah the kids. He has a wife he loves who has left him, and he can't get her back.

We saw more consequences (for Eddie, at least) in this premiere than we did in most of the first season, and it's still a pain in the ass that he's the only one facing them, but we'll discuss that in a bit.

Delilah: What's going on?
Eddie: When I told her about the baby, she left.

It seems like, despite sharing a sweet baby girl, there will be a strain in Eddie and Delilah's relationship, and if that's true, it would be interesting. His world is unraveling, and it may be hitting him how he's sparing Delilah, but it's not the best for all.

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Finally, Eddie is operating from a place of growth and truth, and Delilah prefers to stew in the lies. It was almost laughable when she was excited about running the name she chose for their baby by him before announcing it but never once picked up on anything that happened with Eddie and Katherine.

If she realized their friends knew the truth about Eddie being the father, why didn't it dawn on her that Katherine knew too? She was surprised Katherine left Eddie and has been MIA for days, but it's like she never thinks about any fallout or consequences.

Were they supposed to carry on like a happily blended framily and divert attention during those awkward moments?

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Was Katherine supposed to find out about her husband's lovechild and be OK? It goes to something that was always disconcerting about Katherine's relation to the group at large.

Gary: Two years ago, I drove Jon to get a vasectomy. That is your baby.
Eddie: So this whole time you knew?
Gary: Yeah.
Eddie: So why didn't you say anything?
Gary: Because I didn't think I would have to. You said it yourself, you weren't there the last time, but you can be there this time. You take so much crap from me, and that's never going to change, but you know I love you. And I know you deserve this, so will you please get your ass up to that delivery room? Don't regret anymore of your life.

In addition to being outcasted, none of them seem to consider her at all.

It's irksome when Katherine always has to be the bigger person. Initially, it sucked how she was there taking in this news, silently sobbing, but still encouraging Eddie to be better for Delilah and their kid than he was for her and Theo (in the past).

It was hurtful and enraging, but it was the right thing to do, and she always leans toward being gracious in moments when you want her to be allowed to hurt and lash out and be petty and spiteful.

Fortunately, "St. Katherine" has the space to feel this season. It was sad when she spoiled Theo within an inch of his life and slipped out the door with a suitcase, but it was a long-overdue moment for her.

Eddie: What is it?
Katherine: You don't know? Delilah is in labor.
Eddie: Tell me what you want me to do. I will do whatever you want me to do!
Katherine: I don't know what I want you to do. I know what you need to do! You need to get to that hospital and be there for that baby the way that you weren't there for Theo.
Eddie: Katie.
Katherine: Don't. Just go.
Eddie: I'm sorry

She's taking so much in stride already: the death of a friend, and her husband's infidelity. She's put up with the shift in her career plans, an opportunistic love interest, betrayal of a friend, and so much more.

Katherine was due for a breaking point. It's painful as a viewer, but Grace Park is so damn good at breaking your heart. Katherine needs a break though, my God!

Curiously, Eddie didn't go to his mother-in-law's in the first place. She wouldn't have gone too far from Theo, and it's a stark reminder of how Katherine doesn't appear to have a support system of her own. Where else was she going to be?

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What it looks like, hopefully, is this will be a season of self-discovery for her. She was in her childhood room, and it was a reflection of her life and journey up until that point. From how disciplined she was as a child, to trophies, medals, and trinkets and family photos with Eddie and Theo, her life was mapped out.

It would be nice if, amidst all of this, Katherine gets an arc where she rediscovers who she is and what she wants. Eddie's pretty words didn't sway her.

She's not ready, but it would also be interesting if anyone else reaches out to her and becomes a friend, or maybe Katherine steps out and makes her own.

Of course, everyone is mostly busy helping Delilah with motherhood. It's been a while since she had a child, so things are overwhelming for her.

Gary: I heard you murdered someone today at the hospital.
Maggie: It had to be done.

Sad to report, Delilah, so far, is still the least appealing character of the bunch. Whereas Eddie seems like he's taken strides, Delilah is still weak.

She earned sympathy dealing with that awful lactation nurse. Inquiring minds want to know if being rude, condescending, and aggressive is part of the job? It's always a thing!

She was overwhelmed, and the situation is a lot for a single widow coming off of a high-risk pregnancy. Did the woman not check the chart? Jeebus!

But there is something about Delilah never being able to do anything without a million people holding her hand that remains bothersome, and this is coming from someone who loves the communal vibe and found family trope to pieces!

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Once again, Delilah didn't face anything for lying. The only one who seemed surprised by the fact that Eddie was the baby's father was Rome. Gary knew the entire time, since he took Jon to get a vasectomy, and Regina suspected but just never asked, I guess.

Delilah: I'm so glad that you guys finally know and I--
Gina: You never lied to me.
Delilah: Thank you for not asking. 

Weirdly, Gary, the man who acted as though he was the one cheated on, didn't freak out about this news. Sure, OK.

And Regina never calls Delilah out on much of anything. If only you can imagine the shriek that came after Regina told Delilah she never lied to her.

But she did; she lied to all of them repeatedly. She lies all the time. She lies like a Persian carpet in a palace.

She still wants to lie to the baby and her children about Charlotte belonging to Jon, and she's claiming it's the best for everyone, but it isn't. The only one who benefits from this lie is her.

Regina reassured her this was the best for the baby, and it's crazy how no one is thinking through this logically. She's robbing Charlotte of having two parents who love her to protect the memory of a dead man.

Eddie and Charlotte suffer from this secret. It's a hell of a lot to ask from Katherine who has gotten screwed over the most. It's depriving Theo of knowing his sister the way he should, and it'll only make things worse with the Dixon kids when they find out the truth.

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So their mother is human and does stupid crap. It's better to know now than later.

It's also interesting that Rome has a lot invested in this baby because of the impasse he and Regina are in regarding children. Can you imagine Rome getting to play uncle to Charlotte better than Eddie can play dad?

Rome wants children, and he's discussed it with the guys. By the end of the hour, he conceded to wanting Regina more, but we all know it isn't the last of this discussion.

The birth of Charlotte and maybe some of the things going on with Eddie and the others have made him put this on pause. He expressed more frustration over the secrecy in the group with Gary.

I want to give you everything you want. I do, but I don't want this.


The hour didn't touch on his depression much outside of a couple of lines, but you can sense he's still struggling. His hyper fixation almost makes his depression seem more pronounced. He's riding high at the moment, for now, but the baby stuff may trigger him a bit.

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He's got something going for him with Charlotte, yes, but also with his relationship with PJ. We know they have bonded and will continue to bond.

PJ reflects what Charlotte/Charlie's journey could be like if she never finds out the truth about her birth dad.

He's under the impression Jon was his birth dad, but he's piecing together clues because of his inability to talk to his parents about what he discovered.

I just want the truth.


Boy, he's sure as hell like his mother though, isn't he? He somehow managed to enter the Dixon home and go exploring.

He also is seeing Maggie as his therapist. Last time, it didn't seem like his parents knew about his struggles, so how is he seeing Maggie without them knowing about it?

PJ has infiltrated their lives in two different ways, and there's no telling what his plan is when he thinks he's learned the truth.

Meanwhile, Maggie and Gary are going strong in their relationship, but Gary being Gary caused an issue again.

Gary has a way of co-opting other people's struggles and making them about himself without meaning to do it. Maggie's cancer journey is hers, not his. He's a supporting role in her saga, not the star of it.

Gary: I heard you murdered someone today at the hospital.
Maggie: It had to be done.

Even without the tragic backstory to why Maggie got so worked up about him throwing out her cancer meds, they belonged to her and were part of her cancer journey, not his.

She should have had the choice to decide what she wanted to do with them and how she wanted to dispose of them. It's something personal for each person.

It wasn't up to him to be so gung-ho in celebrating her being cancer-free that he threw them away by himself. Once Maggie revealed why she reacted the way she did, it made his actions worse.

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The last time she threw them out following getting a clean bill of health, she found out the next day she had another lump. How terrifying!

It would make anyone second-guess getting rid of the meds too soon.

She's afraid the cancer could come back again. But damn if Gary and Maggie don't always get a person in the feels. The final scene of them with Gary stepping into the shower with her as she relived the same ritual was soul-stirring.

Don't you love their love?

Humorous Lines and Moments:

  • Danny called Maggie before Gary. Poor Gary felt betrayed.
  • Danny channeled his Uncle Gary with buying a last-minute gift. Cuteness. 
  • Maggie going off on the lactating specialist was hilarious! "I heard you murdered someone today at the hospital." "It had to be done." 
  • The guys deciding to "steal" the baby crib was funny enough, but Rome, man! "With me here, they're going to think it's stealing." "Says the white guy who has never been stopped by the police." "I'm wiping this down later." 
  • "Congratulations Eddie, you got a lot going on in here." Well, at least we finally know what the Eddie hype is about. It was either that or those baby blues with bonus points for contrast with the dark hair. 
  • Theo came in hot with the Sheryl Crow slander. Kids don't appreciate anything.
  • Rome with the ice cream did cause a few giggles.

Do you think Eddie and Katherine can overcome this? Should they keep lying about who baby Charlie's father is? Will the baby issue come between Rome and Regina?

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Did you love the premiere? What do you hope to see this season? Hit the comments with your thoughts!

You can watch A Million Little Things online here via TV Fanatic!

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