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Little Fires Everywhere Season 1 Episode 5 Review: Duo

Things are heating up in Shaker Heights.

The drama continues on Little Fires Everywhere Season 1 Episode 5! This week's episode was full of even more lies, secrets, and surprises. 

Lexie's pregnancy complicated her overly simplistic view of the world. 

Previously, Lexie stated that people who couldn't take care of babies should not have them.

She was quick to judge Bebe and her decision to carry a child to term.

As a high school student, Lexie is not in the best predicament to carry a child. 

With help from her well-off family, Lexie would have been in a better position than Bebe to carry the child.

Lexie's decision not to have her child seems it like was based in fear. She was afraid of what people would say, and afraid of how her boyfriend Brian would respond. 

Lexie's choice not to tell Brian about her pregenancy is also controversial. 

As a woman, I have a hard time telling other women what they should and shouldn't do with their bodies. 

At the same time, Brian might be devastated if he finds out later that Lexie aborted his child without telling him.

Morality is often a gray area without a clear black and white answer. 

The show writers do a great job of leaning into the complexity of having children, and encouraging viewers to ask themselves tough questions about what they believe.

People who have lots of money are not always the best parents. At the same time, people with very little money are not always able to give their children the life they deserve. 

The relationsip between the Richardson siblings is also complex.

Although they were all raised by the same parents, they are also very different people. They barely like one another, and are extremely disrespectful towards one another. 

They are the epitome of the idea that privilege can be a hindrance to the development of a good citizen.

Lexie: Do you think that I made the right decision?
Mia: Only you know that.
Lexie: Yeah, but if you were in my position. If you were me.
Mia: I’m not you.

Growing up in a household with black parents who did not tolerate profanity or disrespect, I have a hard time relating to the Richardson family. 

Lexie's decision to use Pearl's name on her abortion paperwork was another uncomfortable dispaly of her privielege. 

Her belief that Pearl's reputation is less important than her own is both problematic and telling of how she sees the world. 

I was disappointed that Pearl allowed Lexie to get away with using her name.

At the same time, Pearl's willingness to take care of Lexie after the abortion shows how kind her heart is. 

Sex is rarely simple. Even when you want it to be.


Having an abortion is a highly emotional process, and no one should have to go through that alone.

Hopefully, Pearl learns from this situation and does not continue to put white, privileged people on a pedestal.

Like Mia, it broke my heart to see Pearl so disappointed to learn that Lexie was using her. 

While Mia doesn't always make the best decisions, she was right to give Lexie a lecture about her entitlement.

There were plenty of places Lexie could have gone, including her own home. Unlike Bebe, Lexie had choices.

I just wonder if you ever look back at your life and have regrets. Because I do. I have some regrets.


She was just too much of a coward to face her own demons.

On the other hand, I loved that Pearl was finally honest with her mom about having sex with Tripp. 

Being a teenager is not easy. Too many teenagers are too afraid of their parents to engage in honest conversations. 

While Mia is far from a perfect mother, I love that she gives Pearl the freedom and space to be herself, and permission to be her real self.  

Elena's trip to New York was also telling of her character. On the outside, Elena seems like a kind, loving mother who has it altogether . 

Her children are the center of her world, and she fights ferociously for her friends.

When you take a deeper look, however, it becomes evident that her motivations are not always healthy.

Elena went to New York not only to help Linda by taking down Pearl, but to see her ex-boyfriend Jamie. 

She also admits to Jamie that she has some regrets about her life.

Elena wanted to have her cake and eat it, too. It was extremely selfish of her to ignore her husband's calls and toy with her ex's emotions for her own personal pleasure. 

While Elena was justified in being angry at Mia for lying about her motives and her background, she's just as guilty as Mia.

Both Elena and Mia are extremely selfish, and mask their selfish motivations as unconditional love for their families. 

While Elena's past is slowly being revealed, there still so much to learn about Mia. When Mia's parents said the baby in her stomach was nervous hers, it made me think twice about Mia's motives for helping Bebe. 

You seem very angry. Is it because she might be helping Bebe? Or is it that she’s in the New York Times, and you’ll never be?


Pearl deserves to know the truth about her mother and her father. Mia is wrong for lying to Pearl about who she is. 

Overall, I loved this episode. I enjoyed watching all of the flashbacks and side stories come together to support the overarching story arc. 

Like therest of you, I can't wait to find out who is responsible for setting the Richardson house on fire. At this point, everyone is still a suspect. 

As always, I want to know what you thought of this week's episode?

Who set Elena's house on fire?

What do you think Mia did with all of the miscellaneous items she collected at the Richardson house in the last episode? 

If you missed this week's episode, you can watch Little Fires Everywhere online!

Little Fire's Everywhere airs Wednesday's on Hulu.

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