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The Walking Dead Season 10 Episode 15 Review: The Tower

That was intense. 

The Walking Dead Season 10 Episode 15 flawlessly introduced us to Princess and laid the groundwork for the battle to come. 

In short, "The Tower" was a successful way to up the ante and to leave fans wanting more until The Walking Dead Season 10 Episode 16 hits the air. 

It's a shame we have to wait, but given the events going on in the world, it's understandable. 

Princess was either going to be loved or hated. That much was clear from her first scene, but we learned off the bat that she was an eccentric woman, who was going through some struggles of her own. 

Should she have led our heroes on a wild goose chase? No, but at least she came through in the end. 

In the previous world, Princess struggled to maintain relationships, and maybe the apocalypse will give her the time she needs to shine. 

You guys were the ones calling out and making a racket. I thought you needed help. But now you're acting like I was the one causing a problem here? Damn, I haven't seen anyone in over a year, and the first ones I find seem like a bunch of meanies.


I especially liked the way Eugene came down to her level when she opened up about her past. That was a solid scene, filled with the angst you would expect. 

Yumiko was the surprising one here. She essentially became the unofficial leader at the Hilltop after Tara's murder and was clearly thinking about recent events when she struggled to trust Princess. 

There was some great character development, especially when Yumiko ultimately offered Princess to join them. 

It made all of the unrest throughout the journey satisfying. It was only a few scenes earlier that Princess led them into a minefield and almost got them killed. 

Princess is a complicated personality, but the show has been on such a dark run that the comedic aspects she will bring to the show will only help switch things up. 

Princess: Are you going to hurt me?
Yumiko: Keep pointing the gun at us and you'll find out.

There is going to be a lot of drama on the horizon, especially with the looming battle, and having Princess will rub some people the wrong way. 

Aaron and Alden tailing the horde came out of nowhere, but it was the only way to be sure what the next move from Beta would be. 

Given that we didn't get to see the face of who held the gun on them when they were supposedly caught, I'm inclined to believe this person is not a Whisperer. 

We're coming to the end of the Whisperer war, so it would be fun to learn that new characters managed to immerse themselves in the horde. 

It seems like a long shot, but it would make sense. 

That being said, there were several moments it looked like Beta was picking up on his people being followed, and those scenes flowed very well with the way Daryl was explaining things to Judith. 

Daryl: What is it?
Judith: I can't believe we just left her in a ditch. What if you were lost and no one could find you? Where RJ was or mom?
Daryl: You gonna tell me where this is coming from?
Judith: I just want us to be back together again ... at home. That's all.
Daryl: I radioed your mom, so she knows not to go home, so she's safe. That way she can find us.
Judith: You talked to her?
Daryl: No, but I'm gonna keep trying.
Judith: It doesn't matter. I talked to her after the fire, and I'm worried. Maybe she won't come home.
Daryl: What did she say?
Judith: She went to go help some people she met, who needed her. I didn't want to tell you.
Daryl: Why is that?
Judith: Because maybe you'd leave, too.
Daryl: I won't.
Judith: You promise.
Daryl: I can't.
Judith: Why?
Daryl: Because I can't lie to you. I don't know what's gonna happen. There ain't no one that can tell you they do. There's one thing I know, there's a whole bunch of people back there that would do anything for you. One day, when you're older, they're going to need you to do anything for them. You got a whole lot of family. Nothing can take the place of someone you love being gone. That doesn't mean that everything that follows is going to break your heart.

Beta may be a loose cannon, but he is still picking up on things that could hinder his reign as the head of the skin freaks. 

Judith is becoming a cause for concern. The events of The Walking Dead Season 10 Episode 12 understandably affected her, but she needs to learn fast that she should not trust other people. 

The subtext here highlighted how she was really feeling following the news that Michonne was headed to find Rick. 

Judith is a smart child who knows how to get what she wants, and I'm guessing the reason she didn't tell Daryl about Rick is that she worried he would rush off to find his friend. 

There has always been a part of Daryl that has been curious about Rick's fate, but he wouldn't leave while everyone is embroiled in a war. 

All Judith has known is loss, and that's shaping her into the person she is today. However, she would be wise to realize sooner rather than later that she is in a cutthroat world, so she needs to make tough calls. 

Letting the Whisperer survive could have resulted in the loss of more of the good guys. There's simply no telling what will happen in this world, so it's best to always think about the consequences of actions. 

I appreciated the scenes with Carol and Kelly. Carol has been hurting ever since her fateful decision in the cave, and Kelly should hate her, but instead, she helped Carol in a way no one else could. 

Kelly talking about the events of Terminus reminded me of the days when Carol was a badass, and the conversation seemed more like a subtle hint of the events to come. 

Carol, Kelly, Judith, and Daryl are outside of the hospital. That will give them the chance to make a plan that will allow them to take down Beta. There's no question about it. 

Lydia: You don't get to tell me what to do.
Negan: You're right, I can't. Hey, I think that you should hit me and it will make you feel better.
Lydia: I feel fine.
Negan: Look, you have to mourn her. You know, you need to say goodbye, otherwise it's going to eat you up from the inside. Just trust me on this. Look, she was still your mom. You know, and we only get the one, so you, you should hit me and just, try to let it out. Otherwise you are going to stray further from these people and I know you don't want that.
Lydia: What the hell would you know?
Negan: Tell me.
Lydia: You're a selfish asshole. You only killed her so they would think you are a hero, but nothing you do will ever make you that here, because you only care about yourself... even now, trying to get me to do this? You liked her, how the hell can you tell me you liked her, huh? I hated her. I want to hate her, so screw you for telling me I can't even do that.
Negan: It's okay, Lydia.
Lydia: No, it's not okay. It's not okay. It's not okay.

Speaking of the hospital, the emotional exchange between Negan and Lydia was beautiful. Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Cassady McClincy killed it, and I only hope we get more scenes with these two on The Walking Dead Season 11. 

Lydia is one of the best characters on the show, but the series struggles to utilize her well. Maybe it's because there are no other teenagers for her, but something tells me both Daryl and Negan will serve as a family unit for her going forward. 

"The Tower" may not have been filled with action, but it moved the pieces of the puzzle to prepare us for the next phase of The Walking Dead. 

Even though this is a temporary season finale, it was still way more interesting than some of the season finales we've had in the past. 

This is a testament to the writing being improved by the new creatives at the wheel. 

What did you think of Aaron and Alden teaming up? Who caught them?

Is badass Carol set to make a comeback?

Hit the comments below. 

Remember you can watch The Walking Dead online right here via TV Fanatic. 

The Walking Dead returns later this year. 

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