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When Calls the Heart Season 7 Episode 7 Review: Heart of a Writer

If Elizabeth was confused about her love life (or lack thereof) before When Calls the Heart Season 7 Episode 7, she'll be more confused than ever afterward.

In other romantic news, Jesse and Clara realized that getting married even while deeply in love takes some adjustment.

And Rosemary and Lee discovered parenting longer than a few hours is a lot different than short visits with Little Jack. Could they be more interested in parenthood than ever before?

Jesse and Clara returned from their big honeymoon in Los Angeles. Everyone welcomed them warmly, and Carson delivered their wedding photos only moments after they got off of the coach.

But the honeymoon is over, and now we know what that means.

Through their engagement and wedding, and even while on honeymoon, they were still living separately. Living together posed challenges for both of them that they never considered.

With as anxious as Jesse was to make Clara happy during those phases of their relationship, it shouldn't be a surprise that he was so interested in ensuring that nothing about Clara's life was upended.

But what Jesse didn't take into consideration was that his happiness is just as important to Clara as hers is to him.

They're learning early how important communication is to making their marriage work, so that's good.

By keeping his feelings about moving in with Clara to himself, Jesse inadvertently made her feel bad. There was no way she could interpret what giving away his items meant, but thankfully, they both have good friends who are willing to share their thoughts on their situation.

I'm not even sure I know whether Bill has ever been in a long-term relationship, but he has terrific advice for his Hope Valley friends when it comes to them.

Whether he's interested in Elizabeth finding new love again after Jack or guiding Jesse and Clara as they navigate the newlywed waters, he's always on point even if he sometimes seems too pushy.

His advice is well taken because he offers it with the best intentions.

Thankfully, Kevin didn't grow too attached to Jesse's favorite chair and the others to whom he awarded the rest of his treasured possessions didn't, either.

Once she understood that Jesse was being magnanimous to keep her life status quo, she managed to get back everything he had given away so that their home represents the best of both of them instead of it seeming as if Jesse was living in her space.

I can't wait to see how they manage the rest of their marriage trials now that they've learned another lesson.

Proving that there are always new lessons to be learned, Rosemary and Lee discovered that full-time parenting takes a lot out of you and requires thinking about things much differently.

As always, they were eager to spend more time with Little Jack. As they've not managed to have a child of their own yet, being with Little Jack is good practice and brightens their home.

But before you're a parent, you might not realize the importance of a specific toy versus awarding children with any toy or favor. They sure learned that lesson with Little Jack and Dog!

Without Dog, Little Jack was fussy and inconsolable. Well, until the couple stumbled upon relief -- the clackity clack of typewriter keys that Little Jack had come to associate with mommy because of her dedication to writing.

That was such a sweet discovery, and watching Lee going through paper as he tried to keep the little guy happy was adorable.

Rosemary and Lee had put so much emphasis on the loss of Dog, though, that I think they made him even fussier. By contrast, when Elizabeth returned, she shrugged off Dog's disappearance with a simple, "eh, he'll turn up," which shocked Lee and Rosemary.

Their home without Little Jack was suddenly quieter and less lively, and I still hold out hope that they will open their home to a foster child or get a child through adoption.

With the connection to When Hope Calls, it just makes sense for them to make room in their home to match the room they have in their hearts.

And while we're talking about hearts, it's impossible not to mention the state of Elizabeth's as she weighs the options opened to her once Nathan and Lucas began courting her in earnest.

No matter how many times she tries to tell herself (and everyone else) that going to see Virginia Wolfe wasn't a date, it was a date. She can call it whatever she wants, but there was no mistaking Lucas' intentions.

She came to realize that, too, as he openly discussed how he came to get the tickets to the event and why.

Lucas: I know what you mean. If I'm being honest, that's partly what drove me to Hope Valley in the first place. Growing up, traveling, moving all around, I really wanted to find the perfect place to stop and start a family.
Elizabeth: I don't think I've heard you mention wanting a family before.
Lucas: Well, I'm in no hurry. My father used to stress the importance of patience, especially when it comes to finding your soul mate. He, uh, courted my mother for five years before she finally agreed to marry him.
Elizabeth: Five years! What took him so long?
Lucas: You know. Life. Things get in the way. My father says he always knew she was the one. My mother says she got tired of turning him down. But she loved him. I think she just wanted to be sure.
Elizabeth: So, you plan to be patient like your father?
Lucas: I have always had faith that I would know the perfect woman when I met her, and I will wait as long as I have to to win her heart.

And how can any woman turn away from a man who is so willing to give her the time she needs to process and who is also going to wait patiently for his soulmate?

Elizabeth was shocked at the lengths Lucas went to for them to share a lovely experience, and even more surprised to learn why he moved to Hope Valley.

People look at Lucas as a bit of a fancy pants and a player because of his profession and the saloon. He comes from a wealthy, well-traveled family, something that caused consternation for the residents of Hope Valley who believed Lucas coming to a small town must come with some ill intentions.

Now we know that's anything but the case, and Lucas chose Hope Valley with the intent of having a family and providing a life much different for them than that he experienced.

It doesn't mean he doesn't love his family and look fondly on how they lived, but he imagines a quieter and less globe-trotting existence for himself in the future.

Elizabeth: I'm worried if I say yes to Lucas, it will give him the wrong idea. And then there's Nathan.
Rosemary: Alright. Never mind about Lucas and Nathan for a moment. What do you want to do?
Elizabeth: I want to go.
Rosemary: Well, then go!!

And despite her hope that they would stay platonic, even Elizabeth had to admit that their outing was perfect.

Rosemary: Did you have fun?
Elizabeth: I wouldn't know where to start.
Rosemary. Oh, no. Not good?
Elizabeth: Oh, Rosemary. It was, it was perfect.

I have no idea what that will mean going forward, though, as making waves that washed negatively over Nathan as a result of her spending time with Lucas wasn't something she enjoyed, either.

And unless I'm crazy, it sure seems like Bill is hoping Nathan makes the match with Elizabeth. That's OK. I know many of you have that hope as well.

You just suddenly have the urge to chop wood?


And Nathan was put out over Lucas making the "first move" again, so to speak. It seems that everywhere one of them goes, there is the other. And having the opportunity to spend one-on-one time with Elizabeth could have put Lucas at an advantage.

But really, Nathan and Elizabeth have always shared personal insights through their conversations because they are both raising children. Until she better understood Lucas, he wasn't much competition for Nathan even though he and Elizabeth both appreciate the arts.

I remain a steadfast Lucas fan, no matter what Elizabeth thinks. It's still hard for me to accept that Nathan gets so grumpy when he considers his competition.

That might be an age thing. Once upon a time, jealousy and a rough exterior were attractive. But as I've had more relationships, I've come to appreciate the softer approach.

Regardless, there is no doubt that Elizabeth has a lot to consider as she explores the two men who are courting her. It's not going to be an easy task.

Personally, I'd love to know if the course is set behind the scenes or if the writers are allowing the relationship to develop naturally as each interaction plays out on screen.

I'd prefer the latter, as what each actor brings to the roles makes all the difference. Being a Lucas fan now doesn't mean that I won't jump ship of the right tone is reached with Nathan and Elizabeth as they continue to explore what's between them.

What about you?

Did you enjoy what transpired between Elizabeth and Lucas? If you are a Nathan fan, what did you think of their trip to meet Virginia Wolfe?

Do you think Rosemary and Lee should consider expanding their family?

Have you ever encountered a situation similar to what Jesse and Clara are facing incorporating each other into their lives?

Hit the comments and share your thought, and be sure to watch When Calls the Heart online for more Hope Valley excitement.

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