Memphis is the ultimate wildcard.
He made it to the final two of Big Brother 10 without winning a single HOH competition.
That's pretty impressive, and whether he wanted to win the competion or not, he's the person in charge of the nominations this week.
Ahead of his nominations, he was adamant about targeting duos in the game. The names that came out of his mouth were Nicole A and David, Bayleigh and Da'Vonne, and Janelle and Kaysar.
He told everyone outside of his alliance to play in the safety competition because he was unsure of what to do, but Christmas and Cody also played.
Christmas emerged with the win, and her +1 was Ian, someone who was considered a backdoor option by Memphis.
Understandably, Memphis was mad at Christmas because she's supposed to be a part of his alliance.
It turns out, Nicole F got in her ear about having to save Ian, and it worked. Memphis was frustrated because Nicole F had already saved Ian from being a Have-Not for the second week running.
Nicole F getting people to do her work is great gameplay, but she needs to be more subtle about it if she wants to remain in the game.
Then again, Ian is the only other winner, so having two winners in the game is better than one for her.
Nicole A did not take part in the competition despite Memphis telling her she should.
Memphis wanted most people to play because you can only play once, and it would mean his alliance would have an easier time of staying safe next week.
In the end, Memphis nominated Nicole A and David, and according to other houseguests, his nominations speech was nasty, so we should look out for that on Sunday's episode.
Following the nominations ceremony, Memphis shared his HOH wine with Janelle, and she got to work trying to get Nicole F backdoored.
Memphis was not buying it, which makes sense because he's in an alliance with her. This will only make a bigger target on Janelle and she doesn't know that.
Janelle also said that Nicole A is a good double agent, bringing back information about the other side of the house, which Memphis is a part of.
If Nicole A saves herself from the block, then there's a good chance Janelle could be taken out. Or, Memphis could throw Kaysar up and have Nicole F and Janelle duke it out if they are targeting each other.
It's going to be an interesting weekend in the house, and we'll keep you up to speed with the latest.
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